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MaxMicrobe Beneficial Nutrients 32oz Quart

MaxMicrobe Beneficial Nutrients 32oz Quart

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MaxMicrobe Beneficial Nutrients 32oz Quart

Product details

MaxMicrobe Microbe Strains Include:
8 strains of free-living nitrogen fixing microbes that bring atmospheric nitrogen into the rhizosphere (root area) where it can become available to the plants
Several strains that can digest typically indigestible plant residue that can be put back into the rhizosphere to support the growth of the microbial community
5 strains that can solubilize insoluble forms of phosphourus, making phosphorous available to the plants
7 strains that produce plant growth stimulating hormones
Several strains that release compounds that help capture iron and make it available to the plants
Several strains that produce plant vitamins
7 spore forming bacillus microbes
MaxMicrobe is formulated with a blend of microbes with known capabilities to enhance the root zone and to enhance nutrient availability in the soil. These active beneficial bacteria are both aerobic (oxygen appreciative) and facultative (adaptive to low oxygen). MaxMicrobe can provide exceptional plant vigor and production by augmenting the rhizosphere activity. MaxMicrobe is made of several microbial strains from multiple species and genera. These strains aid in the production of siderphore, ingest typically indigestible plant residues, and solubilize insoluble forms of phosphorous. MaxMicrobe is safe, natural, and not genetically modified.

MaxMicrobe Benifits:
Improved nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (N-P-K) uptake
Improved growth of root system, producing larger stems and stalks, leading to stronger plants
Increased water retention, aiding in better drought resistance
Improved yields through increased nutrient release and uptake
9 microbial strains with total guaranteed analysis of 350,100,000 cfu/mL in each batch.
How MaxMicrobe Works:
1. MaxMicrobe: Efficiencies increase through biology.
Humic and Fulvic acids slow released carbons
Growth Regulators
IBA’s & IAA’s
Nitrogen and phosphate facilitators
2. Live biologicals interact specifically with plants and plants are designed to feed the soil and microbe populations. This interaction creates an atmosphere around the roots of protection and the correct nutrients for the plants to thrive. Plants give 50% of the sugars they create back to the soil in kind so the microbial population can thrive as well. By utilizing a very diverse community of microbes it tremendously enhances the signals that are communicated from the plants to the soil and vice versa. These signals are the building blocks of nutrient rich safe zones around the roots.
3. Aerobic & Anaerobic: In our consortium we have both plus some that can change if need to survive and flourish in times of great stress. We also have some spore formers which also insure our diversity.
4. Each microbe has been selected for a few reasons:
To be top in class for a particular responsibility
The ability to get along and not compete within the group
Non parthenogenetic
5. Redundancy is prevalent in the group because not all fields are the same; likewise not all plants are the same. This makes our blend extremely consistent from field to field and from plant to plant. We promote growth & health in virtually all circumstances during the life cycle.
6. Seed Coatings: Organisms make the plant germinate: MaxMicrobe creates the enzymes needed to degrade the shell on the seed and this in turn promotes much quicker germination. We then work with the plant to keep its natural immune system flourishing while promoting root growth for the plants so it can prosper immediately.
7. Best and most consistent place for MaxMicrobe:
On the seed
In furrow
Foliar mixed with chemicals and micro’s (ensure no lock up of nutrients and facilitates no drag on plants)
8. Elements of Plant Health:
Improved Roots
Micronutrients upon demand
Improved Leaf and Stem Mass
9. Our customers keep coming back and increasing orders year after year. 

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